Our Journey

Before we move into fashion blogging or talking about new lines etc, I wanted to share the start of our Rich Vintage journey with you.

Donna and I met through social media. I was flicking through my instagram explore one day and came across her. I was immediately drawn to her picture – it felt like I knew her, so I clicked her page and had a little stalk! 

I have never, before, experienced a feeling where I am looking at someone’s picture while feeling so connected to them.  It was like she was who I had been waiting for my whole life.  After a while I followed her page and within a few hours Donna had followed me back.  I then decided to like a few of her photos to let her know I was interested (yes liking photos on instagram is the new courting 🤷‍♀️), Donna then liked a few back. 

By this time, I plucked up the courage to send Donna a message. I thought long and hard about what to say, first impressions count after all!  The famous first message was “Hi, have we met before?” (very original).

Donna fell for the charm and messaged me back, confirming we hadn’t met 😂. 

Those first messages were the start of our future together and a new journey of which ‘Rich Vintage’ forms a huge part.

At the start, Donna lived in Ireland and myself in the UK but within 6 months Donna moved to the UK to join me and our clothing business dream became a reality.  The brand name and the logo came very naturally to us.  We brainstormed a few ideas but our love for vintage style led us to the cassette and the Rich Vintage brand was born.  

It has been a roller coaster to date, but we have loved every minute of our journey so far.  The ability to wake up every morning knowing that you can be creative, you can explore ideas and bring them to life without any boundaries is a dream fulfilled.  I couldn’t be happier that I get to go on this journey with my best friend and life partner.

Rich Vintage is about so much more than fashion – it is about drive, passion and being able to truly be yourself.  No-one should conform to what society demands, no one should be labelled.  At Rich Vintage, you will not find male or female categories – all our clothing is unisex so you can shop freely and buy whatever you like.

We would love you to be part of our journey – please do get in touch if we can help you.


Becki and Donna  

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